17 January 2004

Interesting day it has been - interesting weekend. While friday was the biggest downer of the week due to sheer boredum and being caught in a darkening room before it is really sensible to turn on the light - Saturday has smiled upon me with yummy Los Amigo's burritos, a fun-filled day of Library shopping, joining, and hopping; all closed out with a deliciously home-cooked meal by my "bud" Chrispy ,a game of Canasta half w/Bob and half unfinished, and a wonderful cup of instant latte that made me feel all looney.

To be short (as if I wasn't that already) it was a nice, relaxing day and I had a good time. I have to say that I'm glad we didn't go to the Living Desert and just hung out instead. Plus, the weekend will be more fun-filled when we go to the Santa Ana (I think it is that one) Zoo tomorrow w/Karen and Ted. I'm just gonna have a lovely time - aminals are just too cute to gawk at ;0)

So anywho - in summary, Friday was more like Fry-day and today has been much goodness. I got a bunch of books for like $2.50 [Corona library has a GREAT book-sell: check t out] and rented CDs for 7 days. We had a very nice time just chillin'. I'm glad Chris thought of if as an alternative to the Huntington Library. So I suppose that is my update. I'll keep the lovely blogging world posted. Stay chilly!

PS. I again am changing the date of this log written on 1/18 to 17 because it is midnight and should still be the 17th to me! So yeah.

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